The Board of Enea proposes dividend to the shareholders
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, 16 March, 2010 – Enea (NASDAQ OMX Nordic:ENEA) has not distributed any dividends over the last years. The board now finds it reasonable and desirable to once again distribute dividends to the shareholders based on the establishment of increased profitability requirements, corresponding to an operating margin of 20 per cent regarding Software and 10 per cent regarding Consulting, a strong cash-flow and a large net-cash in combination with a solid financial position. For the year 2009, the Board proposes a one-off distribution of a total of 26,030,057 SEK, equal to SEK 1.50 per share, excluding the amount that refers to the Company's holding of its own shares. In addition to this, the Board, as previously announced, intends to propose to the annual general meeting a continuation of the repurchase program adopted at the AGM in 2009. A total of 536,270 shares, amounting to a total of MSEK 21.8, have been repurchased during 2009.
Long-term dividend policy
The board has also decided to adopt a long-term dividend policy for 2010 and onwards, entailing at least 30 per cent of the earnings before non-recurring items and after standard taxation to be distributed to the shareholders.
Capital structure
In order for the Company to be able to continue to develop also through acquisitions, the Company may need to be in a net debt position in the course of time. For a company of Enea's disposition, where development and sale of software is a major part of the business, maintaining a strong financial position is essential. Due to this the board will at all times take the Company's long-term financial needs into account.
This English version is an unofficial translation. In case of discrepancies the Swedish version of this document shall prevail.