White Paper Excerpt
WiFi Offloading Why-Chapter3

Wi-Fi Offloading, Why? – Chapter 3

Top Five Myths About Wi-Fi

Rumors tend to stay for a long time. It does not help much that strong forces in our industry are trying to spread the old or wrong picture of Wi-Fi technology. This is why we feel obliged to do some “myth-busting” about Wi-Fi.

White Paper: Wi-Fi Offloading, Why?

This is an excerpt from our white paper, Wi-Fi Offloading, Why?, outlining the business benefits for mobile operators. If you like what you read, download the full white paper. As a bonus, you’ll also gain access to Wi-Fi Offloading, How?, a technical deep dive into deploying Wi-Fi offloading solutions.

Wi-Fi Offloading - Why? White Papåer download

When speaking with mobile operators, their primary concern regarding the use of Wi-Fi for indoor coverage and additional capacity is the Quality of Experience (QoE) for their subscribers. While this concern is understandable, it can also be seen as somewhat irrational—and even ironic. Many of these same operators have already implemented Wi-Fi Calling, which utilizes any available Wi-Fi network for voice services. This means they are willing to deliver voice—one of the most latency-sensitive services—over Wi-Fi networks that they do not control. Yet, they remain hesitant to use secure Wi-Fi networks under their own management for services like web browsing, downloads, and video streaming, which are far more tolerant of variable network conditions.

In fact, the need to backhaul traffic to the mobile core for session continuity has diminished as devices and applications have become more adept at maintaining a positive user experience when transitioning between Wi-Fi (with local traffic breakout) and cellular networks. For instance, if you step out of the range of your home Wi-Fi during a Microsoft Teams session, you might experience a brief disruption as the device switches to the mobile network. This minor interruption is similar to what can happen during a cellular call when the user moves between different base stations.

So, why does this reluctance toward Wi-Fi persist among many mobile operators?

The simple explanation may lie in the differing perspectives: while devices—and many users—operate in a Wi-Fi-first world, mobile operators naturally adopt a cellular-first mindset. They fear that a user could unintentionally switch to a Wi-Fi network with a lower quality than the cellular network they previously connected to. Another reason could be that mobile operators are less concerned about Wi-Fi Calling, as it utilizes external networks, they neither manage nor fund. In such cases, we recommend leveraging the free Wi-Fi networks available through the OpenRoaming federation for Wi-Fi offloading. These networks are managed by reputable Wi-Fi access providers, offering reliable connectivity.

Furthermore, the Quality of Experience (QoE) that used to be stated about Wi-Fi was once upon a time partly correct, but the technology has moved on at an incredible speed since then. New generations of Wi-Fi are coming out at a much faster pace than cellular today. As we’ve just gotten used to the terms Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 6E, vendors are starting to roll out Wi-Fi 7 equipment.

At Enea, we have never understood why there is a fight between Cellular and Wi-Fi. They each have their sweet spots. Cellular radio technology excels when users are outdoors and on the move. Wi-Fi is for indoors, and cellular and Wi-Fi technologies coexist perfectly in the zones in between.

Below, we will address and correct

The Five Most Common Myths about Wi-Fi as Technology

Wi-Fi Myth 1

Myth 1: Wi-Fi is Insecure

“Wi-Fi is insecure; the traffic is not encrypted over the air as in the case of cellular, and users are not securely authenticated and authorized to access the network.” This can be true, but never for Wi-Fi Offloading. As discussed in chapter 1, a prerequisite for Wi-Fi Offloading is that the user is securely authenticated (EAP-based authentication) and authorized for the secure Wi-Fi network that is encrypted over the air (802.1x).

Wi-Fi Myth 2

Myth 2: Wi-Fi is Only Best Effort with a Bad User Experience

This was once true. Previous Wi-Fi generations (e.g., Wi-Fi 4 and 5) were like cocktail parties where everyone talked at the same time; the more people, the greater the challenge to get the message across. As a result, many “re-sendings” of messages were required. The critical parameters for a good user experience, latency and data throughput, quickly deteriorate when you add more users to the same Wi-Fi access point in Wi-Fi 4 and 5.

This degradation does not occur for the latest Wi-Fi 6/6E and Wi-Fi 7 releases because Wi-Fi 6 introduced Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access (OFDMA), the same scheduling mechanism used in cellular networks. Today’s Wi-Fi is more like a choir where the conductor decides when a singer can sing. Wi-Fi 6/6E and Wi-Fi 7 brings a deterministic user experience to Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is running on an unlicensed spectrum, but unlicensed is also considered for cellular. These are the reasons why Wi-Fi is gaining more respect and acceptance also from 3GPP advocates.

Wi-Fi Myth 3

Myth 3: Devices Tend to Hang onto Bad Wi-Fi Connections

This is true to an extent, but it is now mainly a problem of the past. Like any device, mobile phones can sometimes struggle to switch between networks, especially if the current connection is weak or unstable. This can lead to situations where the phone remains connected to a poor Wi-Fi signal a bit too long rather than switching to a betterperforming network. However, modern smartphones are getting better and better at handling this issue and are designed to constantly evaluate network conditions and switch to better connections when available.

Wi-Fi myth 4

Myth 4: Wi-Fi is Not Seamless

“Wi-Fi means cumbersome onboarding through Captive Portals.” Yes, this is what often meets us in public spaces such as hotels, shopping malls, and airports. But this is not true for Wi-Fi Offloading, where the user is always seamlessly onboarded to the secure Wi-Fi network. Many Wi-Fi hotspots served by captive portals today will also change to seamless onboarding with the advancement of more Wi-Fi networks joining the OpenRoaming federation.

Wi-Fi myth 5

Myth 5: Wi-Fi Networks are Isolated Islands

This was true not so long ago. Since then, the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) has launched a fast-growing OpenRoaming federation with millions of hotspots globally. For the first time, enterprises and venues can use Wi-Fi to roam with service providers seamlessly.

As discussed later in this White Paper, OpenRoaming may become the “silver bullet” for neutral host Wi-Fi Offloading. (This is also discussed in this post: OpenRoaming – The Silver Bullet for Neutral Host Wi-Fi Offload)

Recorded session from July 23, 2024

Solutions for mobile / Wi-Fi convergence

As the mobile industry enters a new and much less profitable era, Wi-Fi is growing in importance as an effective, cost-efficient, and necessary complementary solution.

View this Wi-Fi Now special event recording from July 23 with Cisco, American Bandwidth, and Enea, where we explore all the current convergence offerings and their status.

When: Available on-demand.

Duration: Approximately 2 hours including presentations, panel Q&A, and audience Q&A.

Recorded Wi-Fi Now Conmvergence Webinar

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