How to Get on the Path to Effective SASE

SASE (Secure Access Service Edge): is it marketing hype or the next wave? Is it a workable security answer to the rapidly changing corporate IT environment? Are solutions marketed as SASE today true SASE products? Or are they mostly works-in-progress? And what is “true SASE” anyway? In this blog you will find answers to all […]

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Why is First Packet Classification So Important in Traffic Management?

What is First Packet Classification? First packet classification has become widespread within the Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) component of traffic management solutions over the past couple of years. It consists of using the very first packet to identify the protocol or service related to a traffic flow (i.e. the TCP SYN segment or first UDP […]

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The Future of Deep Packet Inspection: Key Findings from the Enea DPI Survey

The Future of Deep Packet Inspection: Key Findings from the Enea DPI Survey Major changes are underway in the telecommunication and security industries that are generating new needs in traffic visibility and require a new approach to network traffic analysis. As a supplier of DPI-based traffic intelligence, we wanted to better understand how DPI is […]

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