
Simeon Coney

Simeon Coney

VP Business Development • BU Adaptive Mobile Security

Simeon has over 25 years’ experience within the mobile, fixed line and IT infrastructure markets. With a career spanning Marketing, Product Management, Business Development and Operations roles, Simeon has worked for Telecom Infrastructure providers and solution providers with 9 out of the top 10 largest carrier groups. Simeon has worked with AdaptiveMobile since the foundation of the business, assisting Service Providers on the protection of their subscribers and network through a range of senior management roles, and is currently responsible for the development and execution of the Company’s strategic initiatives.

Insights by Simeon Coney

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Artificial Inflation of Traffic: An Existential Threat to Application-to-Person Messaging?

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Man explains Omnichannel threats on stage

2022 in Review: New Threats to Omnichannel

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Tags: Mobile Network Threat, Mobile Security, SMS security

A2P 10 DLC Messaging in North America – The Campaign Registry

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Tags: A2P Messaging, SMS security, sms spam

Unknown Caller spot scam calls

How to Spot Scam Text Messages And Spam Calls? (PPS Fraud & more)

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Tags: Mobile Security, SMS scam, SMS security